Thursday, January 8, 2009

An Incredibly Tense Day Came to a Quiet End

My husband lost his job today. His company had a major layoff today, laying off 187 employees out of the remaining 225 from the previous lay-offs. I think everything will be fine and I am channeling Scarlett O'Hara because I will think about it tomorrow, tomorrow meaning this weekend. We have been waiting for his company to close and he has been looking for a job since last May. The leads and interviews he has had have been put on hold until sometime in 2009, if the open positions make the budget cuts. We will see and we will pray and Tony will find something.

Then, this afternoon while returning from lunch, one of my co-workers called my cell to tell me they were reducing employees at my place of business. Supposedly, 35 were to be let go and 12 had been fired so far. They also asked some long time employees to take early retirement. Within minutes I lost my lunch, what a waste of $8 that I might not have again. I was scared, really scared.

At 3 o'clock we had a company-wide meeting. It looks like, for now, I still have my job. Things will be changing and there will be mandatory vacation days but at this time my department is safe. Our 14% sales growth last year will not be rewarded with a profit sharing check.

I thought my next post might be about my job and my new position back to international buying. However, I had no idea that today, January 9th, my family will be doing its own re-organization.


  1. I gasped when I read your post.I am so sorry. Wow. What a blow. Your poor Tony. I'm sure he's dealing with a lot of emotions right now. Will he get any kind of severance package? I hope so. Your family will be in my prayers. Everyday. Please keep me posted.

  2. I'm so sorry, My Dad lost his job in the 80's when we were in JR Hight it was hard but God took care of us and he will take care of you also. I will pray Tony will find something soon.

  3. Sorry I can't spell today either, I haven't slept good for a few days. Maybe tonight.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this. But every thing happens for a reason. I know it's so hard to keep a positive frame of mind at a time like this.

    My husband lost his job at Christmas time last year (2007). And at the time you couldn't have made me believe it, but it was a blessing in disguise.

    I hope things get better soon.

  5. Thank you so much for the comments and the prayers. I truly believe this is meant to be and that God is watching over us.

    April, no, no one in his company got a severance just unemployment.

    Monica, I think that we will be able to look back at this and see what a blessing Tony's job loss was.

    Janelle, after living where we did and seeing all the people that got laid off or took early retirement during the oil bust I know that families can recovery and things will be okay.

    I really think that God has been paving the way for this to happen. So many things are just right well except lack of a money tree in our backyard.

